Kyle & Mary // Engagement Session // Overlook Park, Lancaster, PA

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Sometimes when you meet someone, you just know. But other times, you FB stalk them, slide into their DM’s, and eventually end up on a first date filled with a lot of awkward silence and a broken chair. But you know, it all works out in the end. :) I won’t embarrass them by naming who did the FB stalking and who did the chair breaking, I’ll just let you guess for yourselves. Anyway, I met Mary through a neat connection, where one of her co-workers used to work with my mom and this co-worker referred her to me, so cool! Gotta love good word-of-mouth referrals!

When I met up with the two of them for their engagement session, Mary introduced me to her fiancé Kyle, and I could tell immediately this was going to be a super fun and easy session, since these two are seriously so cute together. It’s said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, well, I think Mary and Kyle prove that to be true. They started dating during their undergrad studies at Drexel U., but have been long distance for the last 5 years of their 7 year relationship. You can probably tell it from the pictures, but the two of them seem like they can’t quite stand close enough together the times they aren’t a few hours apart. They seem inseparable, I mean in a good way. We had a lot of fun getting to know them as we meandered around Overlook Park. We almost did their engagement session at the beach, since the beach is one of their favorite places, and is actually where they got engaged. Kyle sort of tricked Mary down to the beach for his parents to “renew their vows”, but instead had a proposal all planned for her! She was so surprised, she hardly even remembers him getting down on one knee, but fortunately, Kyle had someone taking pictures to document everything. So anyway, we thought it might be fun to do their session at the beach, but due to schedules not working out for that, we ended up doing it at one of my favorite locations, Overlook Park. And it turned out so good, I don’t even mind that we didn’t do it at the beach! The sky was even cooperative, as it was supposed to rain that evening, but it held off just long enough to finish their shoot.

Congrats on your engagement Kyle and Mary, and I can’t wait to help you celebrate at your wedding next year!